May 11th 2023

Introduction to Plants and Farming for Kids 3+

Plants are all around us! 

We see them in gardens, parks, and even in our homes. But did you know that plants are also an essential part of the food we eat? Farmers grow plants that produce fruits, vegetables, and grains that we use to make many of our favorite foods. In this book, we'll explore how and where plant foods grow.

 How Plants Grow 

Plants need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. Farmers plant seeds in the soil and water them regularly so they can sprout. The sun provides the energy plants need to grow, while the soil provides the nutrients they need to thrive. As the plants grow, they produce fruits and vegetables that we can harvest and eat.

Fruits and Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. Fruits come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some examples of fruits include apples, bananas, and oranges. Vegetables also come in many different varieties, such as leafy greens like spinach, root vegetables like carrots, and bulb vegetables like onions.


Grains are another type of plant food that we eat. Examples of grains include rice, wheat, and oats. Farmers plant these crops in fields and harvest them when they are ready. The grains can then be processed to make foods like bread, cereal, and pasta.

Where Plant Foods Grow 

Plant foods grow all over the world! Some plants grow better in certain climates and environments. For example, bananas grow best in warm, tropical areas, while apples grow best in cooler, temperate regions. Farmers in different parts of the world grow different types of crops, depending on the climate and soil conditions.


Now you know more about how and where plant foods grow! By learning about the plants that provide the foods we eat, we can appreciate and enjoy them even more. Remember to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

For more at home learning about where food grows, check out our kids placemats